Buy Guashas Stone – Add Natural Healing to Your Routine
You can use a gausha on the face, body and scalp, and it's best to use with water or an oil.
Hold the gausha tool with the curved side to your face and glide it gently up and out, starting with the neck, jawline, chin and around the mouth, between.
You can use a guasha on the face, body and scalp, and it's best to use with water or an oil.
Hold the guasha tool with the curved side to your face and glide it gently up and out, starting with the neck, jawline, chin and around the mouth, between.
Rose quartz Gausha's are said to improve blood circulation and overall skin tone, remove wrinkles and puffiness, reduce dark under eye circles, eliminate toxins and promote lymphatic drainage.
You can use a gausha on the face, body and scalp, and it's best to use with water or an oil.