Carnelian Tumble Stones [50g]

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  • The healing stone carnelian is very effective. The body’s natural ability to heal itself is said to be stimulated by this, aiding the body in regaining a more balanced condition.
  • Carnelian, which has a rich orange to orange-brown coloring, is very good for enhancing energy and focus, and it is filled with creativity.
  • A life force and pleasant energy emanate from the orange polished carnelian stones’ bright hue. Carnelian is a stone that embodies the fiery vitality of the Fire element.
  • This powerful stone for the sacral chakra is good for new beginnings and spiritual rebirth. The Solar Plexus Chakra is also made easier to activate by it.
  • NOTE: If you want to order 150g. Click ADD to CART, and update Quantity to 3 (50g X 3 = 150g)

