Selenite Plate

Sku: SP07

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  • It’s thought to be the greatest cleansing stone on the planet, purifying all the energy in its surrounding environment.
  • Selenite stones work well in jewelry, particularly if partnered with other crystals. The Selenite crystal stone removes stagnant energy from your aura and helps you find your true purpose.
  • Selenite plates have a very high vibration but it is also very calming.
    When not in use, a selenite plate is an ideal resting place for your other crystals. It is the only crystal that can clear other crystals without needing to be cleared. Because of the metaphysical properties of Selenite, these plates can be used to make a crystal grid.
  • Placed in the corners of a room, selenite skyscrapers or towers will act as powerful protective shields, absorbing and dispelling all negative energies, ensuring a safe, harmonious environment.

